Monday, November 14, 2011


Gym at 3:30PM


5min rest between sets

These were relatively easy. I could have cranked out a rep or two more, but I didn't want to take things to failure. Side note: Did these barefoot. Felt great.

195x8x3 w/ 3min rest

FEEL THAT STRETCH! Hamstrings were definitely fried after these.

Leg Extensions
285x15, 3min rest

Lying Leg Curls

Opted to include some bicep work at the end since they're lagging a bit.

Barbell curls
70x10x2, 2min rest

Good workout. Felt tough, but I'm still getting used to the higher volume. Also, I am tempering myself by not explicitly seeking failure, which helps. I believe my routine will be moving more towards a 4 day split of upper/lower, similar to Lyle McDonald's Generic Bulking Routine. The compounds will still be RPT, but in my opinion, I feel RPT to be more successful for maintaining strength effectively while dieting.


Pretty sedentary for the day except for the tough workout. Had some NEAT running errands in the morning, but other than that, not much. Est. +500 or so

Highlight: Tried out some Ben and Jerry's PWO. Had half a pint of "Late Night Snack". One word, EPIC. Sweet, salty, creamy, crunchy. Truly zen-like mastery of Ying and Yang ^_^

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 1 of Gaining Phase!

November 11, 2011

Upper push/Traps/Calves

Flat Barbell Bench
215lbs x 6+1 assist
200lbs x 8
185lbs x 10

Wanted, 8, 10, 12 reps respectively, but this will suffice for now. I've got to build back up to my best numbers! Took 5 minute rests for each set.

Incline DB Bench
75s x 12 reps
75s x 10 reps

Took 3-4 minutes between sets here. The plan is to build up so both sets hit the same number of reps.

DB Military Press
65s x 9
60s x 12

Laterals/Front Raises
35s x 15

I will lower the weight to 30s on these next week. I didn't like my form for some of the reps here.

4 plates x 10
3 plates + 25s x 12

Grip needs to get up to par again. It's been awhile since I've done shrugs.

Tricep Straight Bar Cable Extensions
87.5x12 w/ 2 minute rest

Then calves! These are one of my weak points that I need to improve.

Standing calf raises
180lbs x 8
165lbs x 10

Seated calf raises
115lbs x 10
105lbs x 12

Then for a little extra volume...

Standing calf raises
135lbs x 12 reps

Good workout. VERY motivated. I was a little bummed with some of my bench/db numbers, but I must keep in mind I'm coming off of a deload, and the extra volume will definitely add a fatigue factor to the mix. I will adapt!



Saturday, November 5, 2011

Quick Deload Update

Time for a quick update:

The deload has been going great. I feel much more rested, and I am gaining that fire inside again. Can't wait to get back to these heavy weights! I've really been focusing on cleaning up my form and getting it PERFECT on everything. Form MUST come before weights.

Notably, I've been making my form on squats spotless. I'm squatting heavy in the power-rack, and I have the catch-bars set to just below my knee level. I've been going super low; a couple inches below parallel: ATG style. The catch-bars are there just in case I can't lock it out, but it feels great to be going low with great form. NO CHEATING HERE. Last session I handled 300lbs for 6 clean reps. Less than usual, but that's to be expected when going low.

Nutrition-wise, I've been slowly building up to offseason levels. Last week saw about 2700cal on workout days and 2200 on rest days. I'll be kicking things off for real next week!